Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A May Day.

Its been one of those days when you can not possibly stay indoors. The air has a cool feel, and yet it isn't cold. So I put on my boots and headed out to the Mary garden. Its a small garden which I began caring for a number of years ago. I'm afraid that over the summer it has been neglected some.
Firstly we had had so much rain, that the grass patch in between the three gardens, started to grow quite fast. The space is much to small for the mower to get into, and so i was on my hands and knees with a pair of grass cutters. I gave up on this soon, as each time I managed to get the grass short it would rain and the grass would grow and I'd have to start all over again! So first thing i did was get in there with my grass cutters and start cutting. Perhaps i should also tell why i dislike this job so much. The garden is a much loved home of the green ants! And because its is so very loved, it is also well protected. If you have ever been bitten by one of these little critters I'm sure you'd understand my hesitation. I'm very thankful to say that they left me alone today. I have also put in a few new plants, taken down a old fence, raked, lit fire to the dead branches, grass, ect that was laying about placed a chair in front of the garden and wedded. Off course I didn't do this alone though out the morning most of my siblings came out at one time or another and pitched in here and there. Even Anthony who is only 4 came and gave me lent some help.
Now I just have to sit back, and watch the new plants grow... well kind of, after I water and weed each day, And battle the grass, I guess I'll need to keep cutting that back.
After all that's done, then I'll sit down and enjoy the peace and quiet of the garden.


Emily of the North said...

Nice blog!

I've never been bitten by a green ant... That's another thing I'll have to experience when I come to visit you in Aus. someday!! ;-) lol

Be sure to post some pictures when your plants grow!

Elie said...

I don't think I even knew green ants existed.

Good luck keeping the grass down! Do you have a riding mower?