We are still thinking of names, Starting with the Aug, for August.
The black one is very close to being called Augustin.
My little sister wants the brown/creamy coloured one to be named Rose, I was trying to talk her out of it when I realised the day before there birth was the feast of St Rose of Lima, saying that aloud, the kids started jumping round saying "lets call her Lima!"
I'll give it a day or to, if no one comes up with something better, they will be given the names the kids like. lol
If anyone has a August name idea, please leave a comment telling me. :)

I was walking in the paddock after taking the above photos, and this group of wattle trees in flower caught my eye, they looked so lovely, I had to get a shot! At this time of year, with the sun shining on them they are giving of a strong, sweet scent

A close up for those of you who haven't seen a Wattle trees before. Unless I'm mistaken, Most of you who I know read this blog haven't seen them before.
Lima is cute..but if you want an August name...Augusta? I don't know....
Augustus Caesar? Maybe a bit too long though. lol
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