Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Christmas season and the weeks since had flown by, and I let this blog fall silent for a while without even realising it. Many Blessings came to us this Christmas.
There is one I like to show you. Our new foal, Stella was born on Boxing day.
Here she is having a nap.

Another reason of even greater joy, is the news that My mother has now shared, so I am very, very happy to say, that come July I shall have a new little brother or sister! :)

Lastly I'd like to wish everyone a happy new year, I know its a bit belated but the year is still in its baby stages. May God Bless you all this year, and may you all grow in him even more.

1 comment:

The Editrix said...

Hi Erin! I had no idea you had a blog! :-) I like it - keep posting!
