Erin: As you might know Lizzy is staying over for a few days, so we are having random talks about boiling men's brains, Inside out belly butten's and silliness in general. That's not the whole of it, but some of the weird things that have been said.
LizzyMostly its been decidedly strange with a touch of treachery.
Erin: Beware if you know Lizzy, she may have said something about you! lol
Mostly good, hopefully.... maybe
Lizzy: I have come to defend this noble cause of my consciousness, stateing my innocence in the clearest of terms.
Erin: But can she prove that she is innocent? Shall we ask her?
Lizzy:Perhaps not with tangible, solid proof. However my conscious is clear, and perhaps I have prayed for you instead. Maybe that is scarier. As Stephen said, if you prayed for people more often than you thought about them, more would get done. Entirely noble, however, somewhat impractical, trying to remember. Shall try
Erin: That should be enough proof for now, I hope. If you you belive her. ;) I belive her.
Now for a change...
Lizzy: Perhaps the motto, not particuarly wise, but decidedly interesting as stated by Luke; "Close your eyes and hope for the best, however not while driving," Interesting and worthy of random giggles. If you understand the female mind, which brings me to the worthy thought of men's brains.
Erin: yes, well, they are confussing at first, but we are trying to understand them. Failing that, someone thought it would be good to eat them. Why??
Lizzy: Not sure I would like to eat them. I personally do not like brains, though maybe it would increase your IQ????
Erin: prehapes.... maybe... I don't think so though. Maybe it would depend on the brain?
Lizzy: Now we are deciding if it is even remotely wise to try and publish this or just send it to some poor individual. hmmm.
Erin: Or just stop now, and use the excuse of being over tired??
Lizzy: Ah yes, goodbye from the two mad giggling professing wafflelators.
Erin: Till next time, this is (see above)