Awarded me with the awesome award. :D Thanks Anna.
What is a very interesting fact about you?
I am the 3ed oldest of 12 children.
What are two things in this world you love very much?
God and my family
What was the last thing you ate?
Chicken and mashed potato
Who is your favourite movie/book character?
Ummm I don't really have a favorite but if i had to choose right now I'd probably say Mr Knightly from Jane Austins Emma
What is your favourite colour?
it changes, sometimes yellow sometime red. lol
Are you random?
yes. very.
Do you have a totem animal?
How many people follow your main blog?
I don't know. I haven't counted. lol
What is you favourite animal?
I don't usely pick alot of favorites. I can't pick.
Downhill or Cross-Country skiing?
I would like to try both
Soda or water?
to taste? Soda
Weekends vs. School days?
Trees or flowers?

With the Awesome Award comes a list of rules. Here they are.
1: List seven thing that make me Awe-Summm!!!
2: Pass the Award on to seven bloggers I read.
3: Tag those seven bloggers.
Well lets see what makes me awesome?
1. I am the one and only person like me. I personally think that's quite awesome. :)
2. I am a child of God.
3. I have a little sister with down syndrome who says the I am "the best" :) and copy's my every step.
4. I was born into a completely awesome family!
5. I get on with most people I met.
6. I am studying to become a photographer.
7. I am Aussie country girl.
Wow that was alot harder then i thought it would be. lol